Consumer Documentation


The consumer consists of five scripts:

  • This script connects to the remote relay(s) and grabs incoming messages and shoves them onto the “emdr-messages” queue in redis, making them available to the dequeue script.
  • This is the main workhorse. We generally run from 2-4 of these processes at once as it’s “threaded” with greenlets. Really 1 is sufficient to keep up with message frequency but redundancy isn’t a bad thing and redis makes sure the processes don’t get duplicate messages. This script does all the processing of incoming EMDR messages - validating and inserting them into the database.
  • This script runs every 5 minutes from cron. It rolls up the current messages processed and puts them into the tracker table for us to output statistics.
  • This script runs every 2 minutes from cron. It goes through and looks at all orders processed in the last 2 minutes and moves orders not seen in a region/type combo to the “warehouse” table – ie, they are completed (either cancelled, purchased/sold, etc – no longer available).
  • This script runs once a day (we run it during downtime). It goes and loads all the user-built outposts and puts them into the staStations table in the static data dump so that they will display properly when pulling up orders.


The consumer works off of the Eve-Market-Data-Relay feed. This requires a number of modules (see requirements.txt) to be installed. Additionally, you will need to have Zer0MQ installed ( and the pyzmq module installed from source ( See their respective documentation for how to install.

Also required:

  • redis

Optional, but useful:

  • hotwatch


See the consumer.conf file - you can override any settings by creating a “local_consumer.conf” file and use the same sections/variable names (anything in local will override consumer.conf). It is not recommended to change consumer.conf since that will get overwritten every time you pull from the repo.